
Behaviour Consultations

A consultation involves a visit from Sooz to assess, discuss and begin to resolve, the behaviour problems you are experiencing.

  • Before the visit you will be asked to complete a history form and you will be asked to have a vet check to rule out any physical or medical issues.

  • On the day, Sooz will assess the horses management, environment, training and medical history and will discuss with you potential causes of the issues you are having. She will then consider ways to modify the unwanted behaviour and will work alongside you to try to find a solution. This could be small changes to the way you manage your horse, specific training exercises, or a combination of approaches. In some cases, one consultation will be sufficient to resolve the problem behaviours, in other cases may require follow consults and/or training.

  • After the consultation, Sooz will send you a summary of her findings and an initial behaviour modification plan. You will get ongoing support via email/telephone for 6 months included in the package.

Ridden Training

Sooz can help you to build a relationship with your horse under saddle and assist with resolving ridden problems. Her focus is on developing a secure seat whilst keeping the horses mental and physical wellbeing at the forefront. She can help you to start your horses ridden career in an humane and ethical manner ensuring the horse is confident at each step of the process. Sooz doesn’t promise instant results but long term solutions. She will take a brief history of your horse before your first lesson to help you to get started on the right foot.

Positive Reinforcement (Clicker Training)

The horse world revolves around negative reinforcement aka pressure release. However, science tells us that training animals (and people!) using positive reinforcement is more effective, sticks better and allows the horse to enjoy the training rather than just tolerate it. It gives our horses a voice and is often the last thing people try to solve issues when nothing else has worked. Sooz trains not just her horses using clicker training but also her dogs and even her cats and is now able to help you to train your animals and build a strong relationship. Like with the ridden training, she will take a brief history before the first session and will help you to form systematic training plans to ensure success.


Behaviour Consultations
£120 (+ travel @ 45p/mile if more than 20 miles from EX31 4SY)

Ridden & Positive Reinforcement Training
£40 a session (+ travel @ 45p/mile if more than 20 miles from EX31 4SY)

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